O nás


The aim of the project is to gather and promote information about Czech, Slovak, Polish and Hungarian art brut authors and support cooperation in this field in the form of international conference, workshop, film screening, exhibitions and art publications. The aim of the project is to highlight the specific skills of marginalized people and help them to achieve social recognition and integration in this way. Art is often an important, irreplaceable way of communicating with the world for this socially vulnerable group, so significant attention should be paid to these manifestations.

Zdroj/info:  https://artbrutbrno.cz/en/artbrut-2022.html

Zborníky z konferencie o Art Brut v Brne 2020, 2021

PDF verzia zborníku 2020: https://artbrutbrno.cz/ebook/sbornik2020

PDF verzia zborníku 2021: https://artbrutbrno.cz/ebook/sbornik2021

Krátky príbeh o mojej ceste k arteterapii

Z knihy Terra therapeutica "Medzi nebom a zemou" (2010) 

Arteterapia // Art-brut // Outsider art

Časopis RAW VISION ponúka novinky o téme art-brut/outsider art: 


Z mojej tvorby


Krátky rozhovor so mnou naskenovaný zo samizdatového časopisu Na kolene, ktorý tvoríme sa našimi klientami. Odpovedám na otázky, ktoré mi kládli klienti s mentálnym postihnutím.

Galéria pod kaplnkou - Bratislava
Od roku 2020
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